“ The Coronation and the first decissions of David as the King over Israël”
“ The Coronation and the first decissions of David as the King over Israël”.
(A). 2. Sam1-5. The long bumpy road of David to become finally the King of all Israël.
2:1-4. David committed each step to the Lord again after his deep fall and deliverance.
2:4. The men of Judah anoint him first King in Hebron (Fellowship with the Lord).
3:1-5. David walks in the light again and goes from strength to strength (Ps.84:4).
4:1-12. No one can destroy his ministry because the Lord started a good work in him.
5:1-16. The Lord of Hosts is with David and for His people and cannot be defeated.
5:1-5. At last all the elders recognise David as the chosen King over all of Israël.
Remember what David had to go through to get to this place!
Think about the Lord Jesus who is building His Kingdom, which one day will be revealed!
How we yearn for holiness and Christ likeness, yet the progress seems so slow.
5:6-9. The mocking words of the enemies of God and King David is revealed (2.Tim.3:12).
5:7. Wonderful that these words are written: Nevertheless: David took the stronghold!
The Lord must have guided David in a special way when he chose Jerusalem (Deut.12:1-7).
5:13-16. David had a thorn in his flesh which is called: SEXUAL LUST. (Deut.17:17)Batheséba.
It is revealed in Gods Word to make us hungry for someone better (Joh.8:29 King Jesus).
Rev.11:15. The Kingdoms of this World, will one day become the Kingdom of jesus Christ!
“The Lord goes ahead of King David in His upcoming battles”.
B). 5:17.The Philisties are not happy that David was anointed as King and respond quickly.
Do not miss the Spiritual truth, because this is another attack to undo the Kingdom of God.
5:17, 19,23. David choses to be a part of the solution and enquired continually of the Lord.
David did not only receive an answer, but also the assurance that he would be victorious.
( The word doubtless is there). The purpose of his Kingship was also to defeat the Philisitines
and he fulfills it (1 Sam.9:16; Acts.13:22) with The Lord who is breaking forth (Baal Perazim).
David celebrates His power! The Lord gives David also miraculous signs of His presence going
ahead of him as he hears the marching troups in the tops of the mulberry trees. David is a
follower. David did not kill his ten thousands but all went through the power of His Spirit.
The power of the Lord is sufficient for us to protect us and. it is a good reminder where our
successes are coming from.Not unto us O lord, not unto us, But to Your name give glory.
How does David react when the Lord assures him of a great victory? He goes into full action!
We are all called to go out into the world into evangelism and making disciples (Matt.28:16).
We are only allowed to receive new orders, when the old order is completely fulfilled.
“The Lord wants David to learn how to fear and revere the Lord”.
(C). 6:1-15. A joyful new start of David, because the Ark is brought back to Jerusalem.
The first decission of David! He wants the presence of the Lord in the center of His Kingdom.
Saul had not made those plans and for 70 years the Ark had been in the house of Abinadab.
It is a festive event and filled with worship, but the day would go “from joy to mourning”.
Num.4:5-15. They forgot to obey the Word of God and to do things in the Lord’s way.
6:6. The Ark that should have been carried by the levites stood on a car and nearly fell to the
ground. Uzzia ment well and did not want the ark to fall. When he touched the ark, he died
The box is the presence of the Lord and Uzza died as a result of the disobedience of David.
David’s reaction is not mature and he becomes very angry, but later he becomes afraid.
This is not self interest, but still disobedience even when David’s intentions are so good!
David calls the place Perez Uzzah which means breaking out against Uzza. Before the Lord
“broke through” against the philistines (5:20). Uzza faced the same Lord of breaking through
David did wrong again to bring the Ark to a farm. He should have continued to bring the ark
the Lord’s way to Jerusalem. Afterwards David responds rightly because he hears that the
Lord blessed the house of Obed-Edom. He must have studied his Bible. David brings the ark
of the Lord in the right way to Zion full of joy . Every sixth step they stop and sacrifice.
The road to Jeruzalem was filled with blood. In one hand reverent fear and on the other side
abbundant joy as the blood was shed. This is the way to live. We deal with a Holy God and
must aproach Him with reverence. The Lord is HOLY and will not be mocked even when our
intentions are good (The Philistines who ment evil and Uzza who ment well are both dead).
I remember once hearing: The path to hell is paved with good intentions!
We need to act and do right according to His word, but let not your faillures ever stop you!
6:17,18. David serves as a leader in worship and provides the right way (Burnt offerings).
David did not offer the sacrifces himself, but had priests with him. The sacrifices are out of a
desire to bring Glory to the Lord. David made also a peace offering because he was guilty of
the death of Uzza and needed to get right with the Lord through a peace offering (Rom.5:1).
(1). David blesses the people as a priest and this are the blessing of the treassures of heaven.
First the Blood, then the Blessing. Not a priest or a prophet but David blesses the people.
It was the blessing of the covenant and the same blessing of Obed Edom for the nation.
(2). David blesses the people as King. Generously He gives them food and sends them Home!
None is so generous as the Lord Jesus. He even wants to share His throne with us (Rev.3:21).
(3). The best gift that the King can give to the people is the presence of the Lord (The Ark).
The blessings that were in the house of Obed Edom will come to the whole nation (Deut.4:7)
This is a man after Gods own heart who thirsts after the Blessings of the Lord (Isa. 41:17,18).
Our hearts should be filled every day with joy as we are blessed with every Spititual blessing
6:16,20-23. Michal accused David that he did not behave properly. There was never any
Spiritual unity in his marriage with Michal. She is four times called the daughter of Saul.
She is not called the wife of David. She is a remnant of the unspiritual order that is replaced!
Let us listen to David’s speach: David reminds Michal of his authority. God chose me instead
of your father. I am the King and this is how we shall worship. He declares his intention that
he will humble himself even more. Those words are exactly the opposite words of Michal.
The lower I go the higher I shall be esteemed by those who serve me. The Spiritual soul is
free to express joyful worship. David is liberated from himself and throws himself into a
selflesh celeberation. David goes more to the background and the Lord comes more to the
foreground. Michal is punished because she wants to put out the fire of joy and worship.
Do not degrade the worship of the Lord’s people. Let us be careful when we criticise others.
Neh.8:10. The joy of the Lord is our strength and let us swim in the River of His blessings.
Herb.13:15,16,Let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is the fruit of our
lips, giving thanks to His Name. But do not forget to do good and share for with such
sacrifices the Lord is well pleased. Joy is Spiritual.
This is the day that the Lord has made!