W. Ian Thomas’s Book, “The Saving Life of Christ”.

Dear readers.

A warm greeting to you all. Our dear Angela Mills wrote this article.

Angela was the dean of students when I Johan came to Capernwray hall in England as a student in 1982 after living eight years in the Sinaï. Israel had given the Sinai – desert  back to Egypt 26 of April 1982. I was there till the  last day. In September I came to the Bible school called Capernwray hall in England Angela was a great encouragement to me. 

She knew I could not handle five lectures  in one day without witnessing to people. She sent me after three weeks to Leeds to help evangelism with Luis Palau who gave me the verse from Revelation: 2:10b. Be faithful until death. I will give you the crown of life.

Angela’s deep insight into the exchanged life has touched so many lives. Galatians. 2:20.

Enjoy the content and live Jesus out as well!

A young teenager from Carnforth, acting in a youth drama which explained what being a Christian was all about, was trying to understand the verse, “Christ in you, the hope of glory”. “How does it work then, this ‘Christ in you bit’? she asked.
A very simple explanation was given to her when a young man, claiming, as an actor, to be a magician (!) entered the scene holding up a glove. He claimed that on the count of three that glove could pick up the book lying on her table. Of course, he could have counted to three million and three, and nothing would have happened. She suddenly realised that if he put his hand in the glove, then all that the hand did the glove could do.

Such a simple illustration, and yet for me, I come back to it almost daily, discovering again and again Christ -in-me doing for me what I could NEVER do for myself. I think of the many times, standing ready to speak in front of a group of women at a conference or to lecture a group of students in Bible School, saying “Lord I cannot do this. Please will YOU do it”. And He does!

Another practical illustration which I remember so vividly happened some years ago when driving down a busy M6 motorway on a Friday afternoon to speak at a Ladies’ Conference in SW England. I had a puncture! Pulling onto the hard shoulder, with three lanes of traffic flashing by, I said, “Lord, You and I will have to do this together. I don’t even know if the spare tyre is inflated, or if I have the strength to undo the wheel nuts, never mind being able to operate the jack, but YOU do. So pease will you do it. And He did. Without exaggeration I found myself back on the road again within half-an hour. I still marvel years later!

So I discover every day that Jesus is not only the Hand in the flimsy, weak “glove” of my life, but my Saviour, Husband, closest Friend, Advice-giver etc. etc. What more could we ask for?

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